
Our ethical charter

Our focus is to incorporate your needs and provide you with solutions, to keep you updated in real time on your operations and deliver compliant services exceeding your expectations under optional conditions.

Our aim is also to be socially responsible, defend the Human Rights, the labour laws, fight against corruption and reduce our carbon footprint.

We have therefore decided to measure, all year long, our paper consumption, and commit to a reduction objective. Furthermore, our environmental good practice charter is adhered to by every new team member.

We are committed to meeting EuRA Global Quality Seal, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2017 standards, and continuously improving our quality management systems.

This includes developing our internal software, IRISE, which allows us to control and monitor the potential risks associated with our client’s relocation policy and to optimise our service delivery process.

Our commitments

Furthermore, our company portrays our ethical commitment through daily actions, for instance:

  1. Legal implementations of relevant actions in terms of social, tax and environment in France and in all countries in which we operate,
  2. Non-discrimination and anti-harassment actions,
  3. Equal opportunity employment,
  4. Corporate welfare development via a healthy environment,
  5. Risk management on health and staff security, annual update indicating the ways of forecasting risks and advertising anywhere possible new measures to limit risks,
  6. Regular training for our health marshals,
  7. Reduce our carbon footprint through:
    • Regrouping via our mother and sister companies,
    • Control consumptions of our natural resources (sleep mode for computers, use of lights and air conditioning only when necessary, use of emails over fax),
    • Reduction of our waste pollution via recycling,
    • Digitalise communications with our clients and their transferees to reduce paper consumption:
      • We prioritise the use of the telephone, emails or videoconference, during the needs review for instance, while collecting supporting documents, when submitting visits, etc.
      • We encourage the schedules to do the same and only print emails when necessary.
      • We organise for our clients and team members’ benefit a dedicated space in which they find all documents linked to the relocation, follow-up information and a direct communication space with Executive Relocations.
      • Our service evaluations are available online. An Internet link is sent via email to the transferee at the end of the relocation process inviting him/her to complete the evaluation online.
    • Anti-fraud and corruption policies, guaranteed through:
      • Accounting procedures annually certified by auditorsli>
      • Expense receipts verification.
    • Signature of the United Nations Global Compact Charter in August 2009 (